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Taman Bunga Celosia (Celosia Flower Garden) Semarang, Center Java

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Gane 60% Promoviendo Mi Técnica De Cómo Comenzar Tu Propia Empresa Wireless (isp) Y Vender Este Servicio A Tu Barrio, Pueblo O Ciudad Aprender Configurar Mikrotik Es Unas Habilidades Mas Importante Que Debes Desarrollar Para Tener Exito En Tu Isp. Click Here!

Kemana setelah Lulus Kuliah ?

Kuliah merupakan salah satu idaman setiap orang yang haus ilmu dan pengetahuan. Kuliah merupakan proses belajar mengajar yang ditempuh oleh mahasiswa/i setelah melalui atau lulus proses belajar mengajar disekolah menengah. Mata kuliah yang dipelajari merupakan kelanjutan/pengembangan dari mata pelajaran yang pernah di pelajari sebelumnya, yang mana biasanya lebih mata kuliah itu lebih sulit atau lebih luas cakupannya. Maka dari itu bagi setiap mahasiswa dibutuhkan waktu, tenaga dan pikiran yang lebih ekstra untuk menempuh semua mata kuliah di perguruan tinggi. Bagi yang berhasil melalui semua mata kuliah maka hasil yang didapat adalah kelulusan dari semua mata kuliah, sehingga mahasiswa tersebut bisa diwisuda dan berhak menyandang gelar Ahli Madya,Sarjana, Master atau bahkan Doktor.

Religious Tourism Menara Kudus

  Sights Holy Tower is located approximately 1.5 km to the west of the center of the Holy City ( Alon - alon Simpang Seven ), exactly in the Village District Kauman Holy City . Holy Tower is a monumental buildings of archaeological value and historical high . Based on scientific research Menara Kudus is the result of ancient buildings acculturation and Hindu Javanese Islam . Holy tower is not a building but a former Hindu temple tower built in the time of sainthood / transition period from the end of the Majapahit Kingdom era of turning to Islam Demak .

Masjid Agung Demak (Great Mosque of Demak)

Demak talk can not be separated from Demak Great Mosque which is landmarkKabupaten Demak. Demak Great Mosque is the oldest mosque in Java, founded Wali Wali Songo or Nine. Location mosque located in the district capital, is + 26 km from the city of Semarang, + 25 km from the Holy District, and + 35 km from Jepara.  This mosque is the forerunner to the establishment of the kingdom of Demak Glagahwangi Bintoro. The structure of the mosque building has historical value art up traditional Indonesian architecture. His form is majestic, graceful, beautiful, charismatic, charming and dignified. Great Mosque is now used as a place of worship and ziarah.Penampilan pyramid yramid roof of this mosque shows Aqidah Islamiyah which consists of three parts: (1) Faith, (2) Islam, and (3) Ihsan. Raden Fattah together Masjid Wali Songo establish enduring masterpiece which this charismatic fleeced by providing pictorial inscriptions. This is Condro Sengkolo Memet, the meaning Sariro Silent Kiblating
Tugu Muda Kota Semarang Jawa Tengah Semarang merupakan kota yang berada diantara 2 kota metropolitan yaitu kota Jakarta dan Surabaya. Banyak sekali peninggalan sejarah yang masih terawat dengan apik antara lain gereja blenduk, lawang sewu dan tugu muda yang terletak di pusat kota. 

Mangkunegaran Palace ( Istana Mangkunegaran )

Puro Mangkunegaran established by Raden Mas Said, who is often known as Prince Sambernyawa. Built at the Treaty of Salatiga, March 13, 1757. Raden Mas Said later crowned as Prince Mangkunegoro I. Mangkunegaran Palace is divided into two main buildings, namely the pavilion and the palace. The most interesting part of the Palace is that it is made of teak wood intact. Puro Mangkunegaran was built by Raden Mas Said, known as Prince Sambernyawa. It was built right after the ssignment of the Agreement of Salatiga, March 13th, 1757. Raden Mas Said was then crowned as Prince Mangkunegoro I. Mangkunegaran Palace is Divided into two main building, named the pavilion and palace. The most interesting thing from the Palace Is that it is made of whole teak wood. This beautifully manicured Palace (Puro = Palace) is located in the center of the city of Solo, among Ronggo Warsito Road, Jalan Kartini, Students and Jalan Jalan Teuku Umar. Construction Puro ditanggal birthday in 1757 by Prince D