Warak Ngendok, well warak ngendok, traditional arts semarang city is lately being triumphant, is evidenced by the appearance of arts groups that the city did semarang performances. One of them is a group of University of Art warak Dian Ngendog Nuswantoro Semarang Central Java Indonesia. Which Dian University Nuswantoro get Revitalization Grant Art Education from 2009 to the State of Higher Education Malaysia. Dian University Nuswantoro appearance Semarang (UDINUS) to the State of Malaysia is one of them also to promote that state of Indonesia has plenty of good traditional art and unique to the watch. UDINUS election to Malaysia can be made an example for other universities in order to preserve and protect the culture beloved Indonesia. Art is the one known in the city of Semarang and the traditional arts semarang city pride. Besides a unique and have historical value also has high art value. Usually this ngendok warak art in the show at the time welcomed the arrival of th...
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