Sights Holy Tower is located approximately 1.5 km to the west of the center of the Holy City (Alon-alon Simpang Seven), exactly in the Village District Kauman Holy City. Holy Tower is a monumental buildings of archaeological value and historical high. Based on scientific research Menara Kudus is the result of ancient buildings acculturation and Hindu Javanese Islam. Holy tower is not a building but a former Hindu temple tower built in the time of sainthood / transition period from the end of the Majapahit Kingdom era of turning to Islam Demak.
Form of construction and architectural style similar to the Holy tower temples in East Java Majapahit era until Singosari eg Jago Temple tower resembling Kulkul in Bali. Holy tower became a symbol of "Islamic Tolerance" which means Sunan Kudus in spreading Islam while respecting the Holy Hindu-Javanese embraced the local community.
Holy tower was built by Sheikh Ja'far Shodiq on tahun1685 M. It can be seen from the roof of the pole there is a candrasengkala tower that reads "broken gate ewahing universe". According to Prof. DR RM Soetjipto Wirjosoepano, candrasengkala shows Gapuro (6), Damaged (0), Ewah (6) and the Universe (1) that in the Java language is read from the back so that it becomes meaningful 1609 Tower was built in 1609 or 1685 Jawa M.
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