YOGYAKARTA - For the Javanese, the objects were considered to have souls. Therefore, the objects must be treated almost the same privileges as the man himself. Maybe this is still regarded as animism, but of course the Javanese would deny it. What is clear, for the objects owned by Sultan Palace as a train, gamelan, as well as heritage, all of which have names like humans. There Sangkelat Kiai, Kiai Nagasasra (dagger), Kiai Guntur Madu (gamelan), there are also Kanjeng Nyai amulets and Kyai Puspakamanik (train). In the Palace of Yogyakarta, the objects were always washed which is termed by the name "dijamasi" in the month of Sura (Muharam) and always on a special day Friday or Tuesday Kliwon Kliwon. How jamasan itself is also typical. All involved in the ritual should wear the Peranakan Javanese traditional clothes. They, all male, wearing a long cloth, surjan, and headgear blangkon. As jamasan a train that made the 1750's, during the reign of Sultan Hamengkubuwono I...
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