Wednesday, 01 December 2010 Image "I asked for help in socialized SEMARGRES to the whole of society, both regionally, nationally and internationally" sentence fragment Mayor of Semarang, H. Soemarmo HS in directing SEMARGRES (Semarang Greet Sale) to the village chief, a district of Semarang and SKPD. The event was carried on yesterday's Monday (29/10) in the City Hall Building. Accompanying Mayor, Plt. Secretary of Semarang Akhmat Zaenuri, Cahyo Bintarum General Administrative Assistant, Administrative Assistant for Economic Affairs, Development and Welfare Bambang Haryono. While the socialization of participants Lurah Camat a city, all SKPD and Department of Semarang and companies that support SEMARGRESS are like Coca Cola, Suara Merdeka, Telkom Speedy, Sido Appears and Banking. ImageDalam presentation, explaining that the purpose SEMARGRES Soemarmo 2010 is a venue to introduce the city of Semarang to the public regionally, nationally and internationally wit...
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