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Masjid Agung Demak (Great Mosque of Demak)

Demak talk can not be separated from Demak Great Mosque which is landmarkKabupaten Demak. Demak Great Mosque is the oldest mosque in Java, founded Wali Wali Songo or Nine.
Location mosque located in the district capital, is + 26 km from the city of Semarang, + 25 km from the Holy District, and + 35 km from Jepara.

 This mosque is the forerunner to the establishment of the kingdom of Demak Glagahwangi Bintoro. The structure of the mosque building has historical value art up traditional Indonesian architecture. His form is majestic, graceful, beautiful, charismatic, charming and dignified.
Great Mosque is now used as a place of worship and ziarah.Penampilan pyramid yramid roof of this mosque shows Aqidah Islamiyah which consists of three parts: (1) Faith, (2) Islam, and (3) Ihsan.

Raden Fattah together Masjid Wali Songo establish enduring masterpiece which this charismatic fleeced by providing pictorial inscriptions. This is Condro Sengkolo Memet, the meaning Sariro Silent Kiblating meaningful Gusti in 1401 Saka. Image consists of a head struck the number represented by 1 (one), 4 foot mean number 4 (four), agency machinations means the number 0 (zero), the tail struck means the number 1 (one). Could be concluded, the Great Mosque of Demak established in 1401 Saka.

Soko Majapahit, numbering eight pole pieces located in the foyer of the mosque. Antiquities gift of Prabu Brawijaya V Kertabumi Raden Raden Fattah was given to the Duke when Notoprojo in Glagahwangi Bintoro Demak 1475 M.
Pawestren, a building specifically designed for women pilgrims pray. Made using teak wood construction, with a pyramid-shape roof shingles (wooden tiles) teak wood. The building is supported by eight pillars, where 4 of them decorated with carved motifs of Majapahit. Floor area that stretches to the mecca of size 15 x 7.30 m. Pawestren was made at the time of KRMAArya Purbaningrat, reflected shapes and motifs carved stamp its Maksurah or Kholwat the 1866 M.

Surya Majapahit, an ornate picture in terms of 8 highly popular during the Majapahit. Archaeologists interpret this image as a symbol of the kingdom of Majapahit. Surya Majapahit in the Great Mosque of Demak was made in the year 1401 Saka or 1479 AD

Maksurah, an ornate building artifacts relics from the past that has a unique and beautiful aesthetic value. This artwork dominate the beauty of the room in the mosque. Artifacts Maksurah Arabic writing engraved inside the core memulyakan to the Oneness of God Allah SWT. Inscription on the Maksurah call numbers in 1287 H or 1866 AD, at which time it was occupied by the Duke of Demak KRMA Aryo Purbaningrat.

Lawang Bledeg
Bledheg doors, doors that supposedly believed to ward off lightning is a creation of Ki Ageng Selo mayor at the time. This legacy is the inscription "Condro Sengkolo" which reads Nogo Mulat Saliro Wani, meaningful year 1388 Saka or 1466 AD, or 887 H.

Mihrab or pengimaman place, in which there is an ornate picture fleeced inscription "Condro Sengkolo". The inscription means "Silent Sariro Kiblating Gusti", meaning in 1401 Saka or 1479 AD (Ijtihad formulation results). On the right side there is the Mihrab pulpit for preaching. The archaeologists objects known as Dampar Kencono legacy of Majapahit.

Dampar Kencana, archaeological objects is a legacy of the XV century Majapahit, Raden Fattah as a gift to the Sultan of Demak I from father to Prabu Brawijaya V Raden Kertabumi. Since the throne of the Sultanate of Demak, Raden led Trenggono 1521 - 1560 AD, is universally fused and famous archipelago, as if repeating the triumph of Gajah Mada.

Soko chips / Soko Guru, amounting to 4 is a major pillar supporting the roof of the mosque tiered framework of three. Each pillar has a height of 1630 cm. Layout formation anchored on four pillars of the four directions of the compass. Located in northwest established Sunan Bonang, in southwestern works Sunan Gunung Jati, in the southeastern part made Sunan Ampel, and which stands in northeastern Sunan works Kalidjaga Demak. Society named Sunan Kalidjaga artificial pole is as Soko chips.

Swimming wudlu site. This site was built to accompany the beginning of the Great Mosque of Demak as a place for berwudlu. Until now the site of this pool still be in place even if it is not used anymore.

Tower, the building as a place of prayer was established with steel construction. Selection of steel construction as well as answering the demands of the modernization of the twentieth century. Initiated the construction of the tower of the scholars, such as KH.Abdurrohman (penghoeloe Demak Great Mosque), R.Danoewijoto, H.Moh Taslim, H.Aboebakar, and H.Moechsin.

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