worth visiting Wednesday, November 3, 2010 Hits: 189
Yogyakarta Mayor Herry Zudianto specifically held a news conference about the state of the associated eruption of Merapi in Yogyakarta City. Tuesday afternoon (2 / 11) in his office the Mayor stated that the city of Yogyakarta is relatively safe and very worth visiting. "Jogja safe and decent place to visit," he said ..
From the news media that too much of a result of eruption of Merapi, have been regarded as detrimental to the image of tourism in Yogyakarta. Yet according to Chief BP2KY (Yogyakarta Tourism Promotion Agency) Deddy Pranowo Eryono until today there are still some cities from various countries who continue to visit the city of Yogyakarta.
Deddy urged the municipal government to immediately issue a letter that the city of Yogyakarta is worth visiting. Travelers are expected do not hesitate to come to Yogyakarta because coverage is too Animashaun Merapi eruption. Because the danger of eruption of Merapi only within a certain radius, "I hope there are streamlining the news from friends and media."
The mayor also said it would take serious steps to this. Today also it will issue an official recommendation that the City of Yogyakarta declared safe and worth visiting. We will take steps to hold back the image of Yogyakarta tourism improves. "Tourism must go on," said the Mayor.
Confirmed also by the Head of the Environment Agency Suyana Yogyakarta, the institute has conducted tests of air parameters in several locations, including pingit crossroad, crossroad Units, Wirobrajan crossroad, crossroad Abubakar Ali, and zero kilometer.Dari area measurements showed several places of volcanic ash is still far the normal threshold 0.34 ppm.
"The results of all measurements below the threshold, at the intersection pingit 0.12 ppm or one third of the maximum allowable threshold. While water wells in the area kricak been compared between open and closed wells, volcanic ash all still on the verge of the limit of 400 mg / lt. "
Vice Mayor Haryadi Suyuti adds, the city of Yogyakarta is a city that promote tourism as an economic power base. Currently Jogja in a state is eligible to get a tourist visit. According Haryadi all the infrastructure in the city of Yogyakarta to walk normally and no interference at all.
Explained Haryadi, the distance between the city of Yogyakarta Merapi about 30 km, is limit the danger from the impact of the eruption of hot lava which is set just 15 km away. At the eruption of 30 dawn because the wind direction to the south had made jogja ash rain. For that we immediately take action to provide 200 thousand masks in the village. Masks can reach 50% of the population of the city of Yogyakarta. Until today the availability of masks is still pretty. And still there is supply 100 thousand masks again at the City Health Office Yogyakarta.
For cleaning dust sprinkling his party also have done at some point the city. On city streets protocol was also carried out sweeping and cleaning, until 9 o'clock last Malioboro people together to do the cleaning. Cleanup will continue until the atmosphere is not a dirty city.
It also appealed to traders to close Malioboro wares so as not exposed to dust. For tourists Haryadi asserted that the city of Yogyakarta is worth visiting as the City Tourism. Yogyakarta city is not scary, he said.
Haryadi add the City Government of Yogyakarta has been helping the refugees victims of Merapi in the form of basic infrastructure such as latrines and water supply.
Meanwhile, Vice Chairman of PHRI (Association of Indonesian Hotels and Restaurants) Hermantoni, said due to excessive coverage of Merapi eruption, of the 11 hotel rooms there are cancellations by 10 percent. Some guests cancel a room because the news eruption of Merapi. Currently Jogja was free of ash. We hope to friends of the press for reporting Merapi eruption packaged so as not to harm the image of tourism in Yogyakarta city. (Isma).
From http://www.jogjakota.go.id/index/extra.detail/3051/jogja-aman-dan-layak-untuk-dikunjungi.html
It's Just Not War, But Also Security Justice Jakarta-thewahidinstitute.org. When explaining the role of Indonesia as a moderate Muslim world axis, KH. Abdurrahman Wahid alias Gus Dur talked a lot about pace NU, the largest religious organization Fatherland, in the basic formation of the Indonesian state. Former Chairman of the NU was also told how the NU and national figures in the early days of independence membincang Islam and national issues in a serious and profound. Discussions took place between Haji Oemar Sahid Tjokroaminoto and two cousins KH and KH Hasyim Ash'ari A Wahab Chasbullah, two of the NU. These discussions usually take place Bakda Noon and end before sunset. Besides the three, Sukarno, later became Indonesia's first president and also Kung Sahid law, is also involved in it. In NU Congress in 1935 in Banjarmasin, NU held that no duty of Muslims to establish an Islamic state. This attitude was later strengthened Proklamsi formulation of Pancasila an...