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Hunting 'Bom Jakarta' Many in Google

Fino Yurio Kristo - detikinet Jakarta bombing (AFP) Jakarta - shocks the Jakarta bombing that clearly attracted worldwide attention. This is evident with ramainya hunting blitz on the topic of a number of victims killed in the cyber face One of them is reflected in the data tersaji in Google Trends. Data that provides a word that was most sought in this Google search shows several topics related to the blitz on the top of the order. The detikINET, keyword 'Ritz Carlton' was signed in the position of 10 major topic at most of Google's users to access the United States. Meanwhile, the search peak occurred about 4 hours ago. The Google users are interested to know the specifics Jakarta bomb incident was related. The keyword 'Jakarta' was ranked 20 and occupy the 'Jakarta' is in place to 28. Keyword 'India bombing and the Jakarta bombing' also entered the order of 50. Meanwhile, in Google News, news from thousands of sites on the blitz in Jakarta also occupies the position of the main news. See the data, the internet users the world seems very curious about the specifics of the bombardment force soccer club Manchester United to cancel turnya of Jakarta. (Fyk / ash) Posting from :

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